We pursue innovation to enable smarter, more secure transportation and vehicles Dualmi is a leading provider of innovative Internet of Things (IoT) solutions that help businesses and organisations connect, integrate and scale their operations. Contact Us

The IoT Partners with the Know-How

Why choose us?

When you choose Dualmi, you get proven expertise, complete solutions, customizability and ongoing support. Let us put our experience to work for you and unlock the possibilities of IoT.

Proven Expertise

With over 12 years of experience in the IoT industry, trusted by thousands of customs


Complete solutions encompassing hardware, connectivity, software, cloud services and support


Our solutions are tailored to match each customer's unique needs and environments

Ongoing Support

Continuous long term support with maintenance, optimization, training and consulting after deployment

Enjoy the IoT Intelligence 

The integration of AI into IoT devices and systems enables more personalized, automated and predictive functionalities. This ultimately provides greater convenience, efficiency and insight than either could deliver independently.

  • Automated Decision Making
  • Enhanced System Security
  • Predictive Capabilities

Manage Your Vehicles & Assets Seamlessly From Anywhere

Monitor, track, and control your connected assets and fleets securely 24/7 from any device and any location through our intuitive IoT platform, it supports:
  • Web platform and mobile Apps
  • Customisation your brand
  • Standalone deployment on your server