DuoIoT Tools

IoT Device & Platform Debug
is Super Easy

Seamlessly Decode the Invisible:
Bringing IoT Conversations to Light, One Packet at a Time.


Add an Device

Login DuoIoT debug platform to add a device with configuring your current platform as the target server IP and port.


Change Device Server

Send a command to your device to change the device platform to the DuoIoT relay server IP and port.


Ready and Go!

As soon as the device reports messages to the DuoIoT relay server, you will be able to see all the raw hex logs and the decoded human readable messages in a well organized format.

Need deployment to a local server?

No Problem! We provide local server deployment and customization services. Our team ensures a seamless on-premises setup, tailoring the system to meet your specific requirements. We handle all aspects of the process, from installation to configuration and integration with your existing systems.

The system is built using Golang for the backend and Vue for the frontend. This robust tech stack enables efficient performance and scalability. It can run smoothly on modest hardware specifications, requiring only a server with 1 vCPU and 1GB of RAM. This cost-effective solution delivers reliable performance without compromising on functionality or speed.

Have a try now

Unlock the full potential of your IoT devices with precision and ease! Try our cutting-edge debugging platform now and streamline your troubleshooting process. Experience faster diagnostics, real-time insights, and flawless device performance.